Monday, February 6, 2012


Hi again peeps!  I just had to pop in and chat about a few things that have been on my mind lately.  First and foremost though, I want to thank you!  Thank you for visiting me here on the internet.  There are literally thousands and thousands of blogs to browse and projects to look at and you visit me.  I am humbled by that.  Really, I truly appreciate that you choose to look at my little ol' blog!  Which brings me to my thoughts about my blog.  I have noticed that I have been more or less obsessed with how many comments I get per post.  I really don't like that.  My stats don't lie and I know there are people looking at my blog, but those comments, well...they consume me sometimes and I don't know about you, but I don't always have enough time in my day to be commenting on every blog I follow, why should I expect others to be able to do the same for me?  So I should completely understand, right?  Hm, not so much.  With all of this rambling, and thank you for getting this far, I am turning off my comments.  Yes, you read that right.  Only when there is a blog hop of any kind for DT projects will I turn it back on.  In the meantime I have decided to do without them.  I hope that I don't offend anyone with this announcement. If so, I am so sorry.  As I stated above, I am so grateful you visit me here and hopefully you gain some inspiration.  I believe this decision will bring me back to why I blog in the first place.  This is somewhere where I can share a bit of myself and what I create without worrying if people comment or not.  Let's face it...if you received five comments for something you really loved and then another card you received twenty-five comments and it was just so so, well I don't find that very uplifting.

So there is where I stand when it comes to comments.  I honestly didn't come by the decision lightly, because there are a handful of people who make every effort to comment on every post, and I am so so grateful to you.    If you would like to let me know what you think of something I make in the future, please feel free to email me at anytime at lindsaway @ gmail dot com.

Thank you so much for your continued support of my blog!  Have a fantastic day!!
